April 8, 2020 Railings
We all LOVE our time at the lake! And if you own waterfront property, we know of two reasons you do not want the typical pressure-treated wood railings on your dock or boathouse. The first is safety, and the second is the hard work of maintaining those wood railings. You are at the lake to […]
February 12, 2020 Railings
Okay, so you’ve found the design. You’ve been searching for months on end, and at last you saw that picture on Pinterest that stopped you dead in your tracks. You stood from your chair, threw your arms in the air and shouted, “THIS IS IT!” Alright, maybe it was a little less dramatic than that. […]
March 6, 2018 Railings
At The Porch Company, we frequently get questions about choosing the right railing style for a home. There are a few different ways to approach this, and ultimately it comes down to selecting a railing style that you love and will be aesthetically pleasing with your house. It’s truly amazing what a transformation a fresh […]
April 27, 2017 Railings
Since we debuted our porch railing panels at the Porch Store, the Chippendale patterns have been some of the most popular. In fact, we now even have a Chippendale 1, 2 and 3! Perhaps the most recognizable use of Chippendale railings is at Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello home. But regardless of whether you’ve had the privilege to […]
August 20, 2015 Uncategorized
Selecting a Contractor The building process should be a fun, exciting and rewarding experience. In our first year of marriage my husband and I bought a piece of land, hired an architect and a contractor and built a house. We were young, inexperienced in the world of construction and naive. But I still look back […]